Murder!Sans and Phantom Papyrus are from an Undertale AU.eteleD is from a Wii-related creepypasta.Majin Sonic is based on a Sonic CD easter egg.Further referencing the "boss rush" term, all opponents in Week 1 have origins related to video games.Within the context of video games, a boss rush is when numerous previously-encountered boss fights are presented one after another.In reality, he is truly the protagonist of the AU as Sans is the lead/main character and most of the AU is in his perspective. Much of the fandom confuses Sans for being the main antagonist of Dusttale.The creator of Dusttale has stated that Sans does in fact know that the phantom is not real, but still talks to the hallucination for sanity.The only monster he regrets killing is Papyrus.According to the creator of Dusttale, Murder!Sans is unable to fall in love with anyone in his universe.Papyrus still haunts Murder!Sans as a hallucination even if the latter was successful.He likes to kill the human in very cruel ways.His left eye becomes large, being cyan and red, and his right eye is also small and red. Murder!Sans wears a blue jacket with a gray hood, a white t-shirt stained gray by dust, black gym shorts with white stripes, and pink fuzzy slippers. He has become aware of the genocide routes the human has taken, and so he went on his own genocide route so he could finally stop the human. Murder!Sans, or simply just Sans, is the main protagonist of the Dusttale AU. Not to be confused with his appearance in FNF x Dusttale. It was later confirmed by Masato Nishimura himself that it's just the shadow on his face, although fanart reposted by Sonic Twitter has also interpreted it as a moustache. There has been a debate wherever Majin Sonic's black spot under his nose is a shadow or a moustache.Contrary to popular belief, the "Majin" part of Majin Sonic's name comes not from him being any sort of demon (Majin being a Japanese noun that roughly translates to "evil spirit" in English), but rather due to Majin being the alias of aforementioned Masato Nishimura.

Masato Nishimura, landscape designer and voice of Sonic in Sonic CD, was responsible for including the original "FUN IS INFINITE" easter egg in the game, and is who Majin Sonic's face is meant to resemble.OST's boss music, which is much different to the PAL/JPN OST's boss music.
Activating his code in the base game of Sonic CD nets the infamous FUN IS INFINITE message, with a whole bunch of Majin Sonics layered around each other.Majin and Indie are the only characters (for now) to sing with a microphone.He has three long quills on the back of his head.
Majin Sonic is a slim anthropomorphic hedgehog with a gentle purple hue that covers most of his body, and purple-ish skin that covers his arms, disturbing, human-like face and front torso. Majin Sonic is based on a famous easter egg in Sonic CD 's Sound Test. Not to be confused with his appearance in Vs.