Make sure to scroll all the way down to see the full list of artists on this announcement plus this year’s Treefort Video created by the one and only Retroscope Media. To get you started, we’ve highlighted some of the artists below, but that’s only the tip of the treetop so make sure to dig deeper as there are many of treasures within. A lot of new versions are on the horizon as we get closer to the festival, but for now, use it as your primary mode of discovery and listening as you dive in to all of these great artists to get to know before March. Built just for you right here in Boise by our kickass Appfort Team, who along with our pals at WhiteCloud Analytics have been working long hours in their “freetime” to build off of previous versions to take your handheld Treefort experience to the next level. LISTEN to all the artists we’ve announced so far! Download the New Treefort App. Band Dialogue will be back! History of Boise Rock Showcase will be back! Rigsketball will be back! Details for all of that and more will be shared as we get closer, for now, here’s the SECOND WAVE OF ARTISTS playing Treefort 2016.

We continue to increase engagement with the U21 members of our community and develop new fort ideas which you’ll learn more about soon. We will have new venues joining the fold and are excited to share those with you. This year you can expect to see continued growth in the collaboration between forts as the co-mingling of ideas continues to lead us down fresh trails. Treefort season is heating up! We are hard at work putting the pieces together and wanted to quickly share a progress report and a huge batch of artists added to this year’s music lineup.