How can i raise money in the sims game
How can i raise money in the sims game

This can give you more happiness when spending time alone in your office Programming, but may not be good if your Sim wants to be social.

  • Loner Trait - Depends on your Household composition.
  • There are some drawbacks, but they're few. Extra Happiness boosts Focused, which will help you become Very Focused.

    how can i raise money in the sims game

  • Lazy Trait - Spending hours in a Chair, this can make your Sim happier - particularly when that chair is comfortable.
  • It can let your Sim gain Skill faster as a result.
  • Genius Trait - Geniuses randomly get Focused, which will sometimes push you over the line to Very Focused.
  • how can i raise money in the sims game

    There is also an Aspiration tied to the Skill: The following Traits may help you to become Focused, which helps Programmers. Good Traits and Aspirations for Programming They seem to make you earn more money with the ability.


    Lastly, you can install IP Spoofers which help with Hacking. You can install ECC Ram to make the Computer nigh-Unbreakable, while also updating the Graphics Card to grant faster Fun regeneration when playing games. Programming is helped greatly by the Handiness Skill.

    how can i raise money in the sims game

    I would go into Tech Guru for the Aspiration, then move on to Oracle to get Hack Mainframe for maximum profit. Tech Guru will give you plenty of items that grant a Focused Aura, and is also necessary for the Computer Whiz Aspiration, if even temporarily. The Oracle Branch of the Criminal Career lets you get the Hack Mainframe ability, granting additional money from Hacking for 8 hours. Two Careers can help you with your Programming Skill by providing extra abilities or items.

    How can i raise money in the sims game